Results for 'Eveline S. Graf'

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  1.  15
    Facilitators and barriers to health enhancing physical activity in individuals with severe functional limitations after stroke: A qualitative study.Leah Reicherzer, Markus Wirz, Frank Wieber & Eveline S. Graf - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundPatients with chronic conditions are less physically active than the general population despite knowledge of positive effects on physical and mental health. There is a variety of reasons preventing people with disabilities from achieving levels of physical activities resulting in health benefits. However, less is known about potential facilitators and barriers for physical activity in people with severe movement impairments. The aim of this study was to identify obstacles and facilitators of PA in individuals with severe disabilities.Materials and methodsUsing a (...)
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    Science journal editors' views on publication ethics: results of an international survey.E. Wager, S. Fiack, C. Graf, A. Robinson & I. Rowlands - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6):348-353.
    Background: Breaches of publication ethics such as plagiarism, data fabrication and redundant publication are recognised as forms of research misconduct that can undermine the scientific literature. We surveyed journal editors to determine their views about a range of publication ethics issues. Methods: Questionnaire sent to 524 editors-in-chief of Wiley-Blackwell science journals asking about the severity and frequency of 16 ethical issues at their journals, their confidence in handling such issues, and their awareness and use of guidelines. Results: Responses were obtained (...)
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    Wanting More, Getting Less: Gaming Performance Measurement as a Form of Deviant Workplace Behavior.Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Stumpf-Wollersheim, Wiebke S. Wendler & Laura Graf - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (3):753-773.
    Investigating the causes of unethical behaviors in academia, such as scientific misconduct, has become a highly important research subject. The current performance measurement practices (e.g., equating research performance with the number of publications in top-tier journals) are frequently referred to as being responsible for scientists’ unethical behaviors. We conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews with different stakeholders of the higher education system (e.g., professors and policy makers; N = 43) to analyze the influence of performance measurement on scientists’ behavior. We followed a (...)
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  4.  26
    Norms and Values: Essays on the Work of Virginia Held.Joram Graf Haber & Mark S. Halfon (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Virginia Held, best known for her landmark book Rights and Goods, has made an indelible mark on the fields of ethics, feminist philosophy, and social and political thought. Her impact on a generation of feminist thinkers is unrivaled and she has been at the forfront of discussions about the way in which an ethic of care can affect social and political matters. These new essays by leading contemporary philosophers range over all of these areas. While each stands alone, the essays (...)
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  5.  56
    The link between statistical segmentation and word learning in adults.Daniel Mirman, James S. Magnuson, Katharine Graf Estes & James A. Dixon - 2008 - Cognition 108 (1):271-280.
  6.  81
    (1 other version)Fundamentals of Legal Argumentation: A Survey of Theories on the Justification of Judicial Decisions.Eveline T. Feteris - 1999 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag.
    Aulis Aarnio addresses the question of how legal interpretations should be justified. Aarnio considers a justification to be rational only if the justification process has been conducted in a rational way, and if the final result of this process is acceptable to the legal community. According to Aarnio, a theory concerning the justification of legal interpretations should contain a procedural component specifying the conditions of rationality for legal discussions, and a substantial component specifying the material conditions of acceptability for the (...)
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  7.  33
    Friedrich Wilhelm Graf: Ein unbekannter Systementwurf Paul Tillichs. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte von Tillichs Das System der Wissenschaften nach Gegenständen und Methoden.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (1):26-170.
    By the end of April 1923, Paul Tillich’s Das System der Wissenschaften nach Gegenständen und Methoden (1981: The System of the Sciences according to Objects and Methods) was published by the German publishing house Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen. Based on numerous source documents from the publishers’ archives and particularly on the correspondence between the publishers Wilhelm and Gustav Ruprecht, hitherto unknown but now edited and commented on here, the present article explains that Tillich wrote his System of the Sciences (...)
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    Editor's introduction.Eveline T. Feteris & Janice Schuetz - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (5):689-692.
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    Prototypical Argumentative Patterns in a Legal Context: The Role of Pragmatic Argumentation in the Justification of Judicial Decisions.Eveline T. Feteris - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (1):61-79.
    In this contribution the prototypical argumentative patterns are discussed in which pragmatic argumentation is used in the context of legal justification in hard cases. First, the function and implementation of pragmatic argumentation in prototypical argumentative patterns in legal justification are addressed. The dialectical function of the different parts of the complex argumentation are explained by characterizing them as argumentative moves that are put forward in reaction to certain forms of critique. Then, on the basis of an exemplary case, the famous (...)
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  10.  37
    Friedrich Wilhelm Graf: The Significance of Troeltsch’s Soziallehren for the Present.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2019 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 26 (2):53-66.
    Die University of Tokyo hatte mich zu einem Vortrag über die im Rahmen der Kritischen Gesamtausgabe als Band 9 (in drei Teilbänden) erscheinende Neuausgabe von Ernst Troeltschs “Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen” eingeladen. Das mir vorgegebene Thema lautete: “The Significance of Troeltsch’s Soziallehren for the Present”’. Im ersten Teil skizziere ich die Genese von Troeltschs christentumshistorischem Hauptwerk. Im zweiten Teil geht es um die zentralen Themen seines “Lieblingsbuches”. Im dritten Teil werden einige seiner handschriftlichen Zusätze und Marginalien kurz vorgestellt, (...)
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  11.  12
    A Satirist's Sacrifices.Fritz Graf - 2011 - In Jennifer Wright Knust & Zsuzsanna Várhelyi, Ancient Mediterranean Sacrifice. Oup Usa. pp. 203.
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  12. Approaches To An Interpretation Of Language In Martin Heidegger`s Being And Time / Ansätze Zu Einer Interpretation Von Sprache In Martin Heideggers Sein Und Zeit'.Eveline Cioflec - 2005 - Studia Philosophica 2.
    In this essay, some approaches towards the interpretation of language in the early thought of Heidegger are discussed, especially in Being and Time. Heidegger’s language can be understood by pointing out that he saw life as the main interest of philosophy, and questioned philosophy with regard to how it can determine itself. In contrast to Heidegger’s later writings, language is not the primary issue of discussion in the earlier period of his thinking. Therefore, different approaches to language need to be (...)
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  13.  33
    Hume crítico de Locke: Contrato social E whiggism.Eveline Hauck - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (136):87-100.
    RESUMO A crítica de Hume ao contrato social admite um alcance para além do debate com o contratualismo de Locke: nosso autor tem em vista, sobretudo, desconstruir os princípios filosóficos que são a base da prática política dos Whigs. Uma vez que o contrato original organiza esses princípios, Hume se dedicará a analisá-lo em termos filosóficos e históricos, na tentativa de modernizar o pensamento político de sua época. ABSTRACT Hume's criticism of the social contract allows a range beyond the debate (...)
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  14.  56
    When an Arab Laughs in Toledo: Cervantes's Interpellation of Early Modern Spanish Orientalism.E. C. Graf - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (2):68-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When an Arab Laughs in Toledo: Cervantes’s Interpellation of Early Modern Spanish OrientalismE. C. Graf (bio)My purpose has been to place in the plaza of our republic a game table which everyone can approach to entertain themselves without fear of being harmed by the rods; by which I mean without harm to spirit or body, because honest and agreeable exercises are always more likely to do good than (...)
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    Ethics and the Endangerment of Children's Bodies.Graf Gunter & Gottfried Schweiger - 2016 - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book addresses the endangerment of children’s bodies in affluent societies. Bodily integrity is an important part of a child’s physical and mental well-being, but it can also be violated through various threats during childhood; not only affecting physical health but also causing mental damage and leading to distortions in the development of the self. The authors give an account of three areas, which present different serious dangers: (1) body and eating, (2) body and sexuality, and (3) body and violence. (...)
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  16.  17
    Chardin et sonPhilosophe.Éveline Pinto - 1997 - Revue de Synthèse 118 (1):37-64.
    « Le vieil original si intelligent, si fou » que Marcel Proust évoque à travers les autoportraits de Chardin, s'est-il dépeint lui-même sous le masque projectif du sage, dans l'un de ses tableaux les plus célèbres, le Philosophe du Louvre? Le maître de la nature morte, voulant s'élever dans la hiérarchie des rangs de I' Académie, a semble-t-il cherché, dans cette oeuvre de jeunesse, à suppléer à « son défaut d'instruction» dans «les humanités», par la représentation d'un personnage au goût (...)
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  17.  17
    The Human: 'Legal, all too Legal' - Esmeir's Juridical Humanity.Sinja Graf - forthcoming - Theory and Event 16 (2).
  18.  23
    Sensation Seeking’s Differential Role in Face-to-Face and Cyberbullying: Taking Perceived Contextual Properties Into Account.Daniel Graf, Takuya Yanagida & Christiane Spiel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Oedipus Haerens: Paranoid Lagging in Seneca’s Phoenissae.Chiara Graf - 2024 - Classical Antiquity 43 (1):19-49.
    This paper is an attempt to think through paranoia’s epistemic and affective features, which pervade both the worldview presented in Senecan tragedy and the inner life of many of its protagonists. Drawing upon recent literary-critical work, I argue that paranoia is temporally and epistemically ambivalent: subjects simultaneously attempt to “get ahead” of a looming cataclysm—looking to the future in an attempt to avert disaster—while inevitably “falling behind,” failing to predict or preempt the future in time to protect themselves. Much of (...)
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  20.  69
    On Hannah Arendt: The Worldly In-Between of Human Beings and its Ethical Consequences.Eveline Cioflec - 2012 - South African Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):646-663.
    In this paper, I show how a concept of ethics can be derived from Hannah Arendt’s theory of action in The Human Condition , which contains from her call for action. When she looks at the ‘political actor’, as well as at the concept of ‘political situation’, her ethical claim is first of all the need to take initiative, to act. Hence, ‘political situations’ as she defines them are discussed as common responsibilities. But common responsibility is rooted in the in-between (...)
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  21.  28
    Judging: Taking into Account Particular Situation.Eveline Cioflec - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 8:41-47.
    In this paper I will present Arendt’s concept of judging as related to imagination. Her concept of judging is rooted in Kant’s philosophy, yet bears the potential for the political account of the particular. Inserted in the ongoing debate in intercultural philosophy, as of how to take into account particular circumstances, this paper offers an insight into moral judgment as a possible corrective to normative politics. Reflecting on lived politics through moral judgment in particular situations, this paper highlights the importance (...)
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  22.  14
    Yale French Studies, Number 135-136: Existentialism, 70 Years After.Lauren Du Graf, Julia Elsky & Clémentine Fauré (eds.) - 2019 - New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
    _Focused on existentialism, this issue explores current writers, thinkers, and texts affiliated with the movement_ In 1948, _Yale French Studies_ devoted its inaugural issue to existentialism. This anniversary issue responds seventy years later. In recent years, new critical and theoretical approaches have reconfigured existentialism and refreshed perspectives on the philosophical, literary, and stylistic movement. This special issue restores the writers, thinkers, and texts of the movement to their subversive strength. In so doing, it illustrates existentialism’s present relevance, revealing how the (...)
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  23.  35
    Hermeneutic Responsibility in Political Judgement. Retrieving Factual Truth From Direct Interaction.Eveline Cioflec - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (3):113-134.
    In this paper, I am arguing for hermeneutic responsibility in political judgment, as it can be attributed to Arendt’s work. Political judgment is reflective judgment relying on representation by imagination and therefore only has exemplary validity. Along the line of Arendt’s Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy, I point out her argument for a different generality in politics than the generality of concepts. This generality of political judgment always refers back to the particular. Only by this reference to the particular, namely (...)
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  24.  20
    Solzhenitsyn.William David Graf (ed.) - 1969 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Georg Lukac's most recent work of literary criticism, on the Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn, hails the Russian author as a major force in redirecting socialist realism toward the level it once occupied in the 1920s when Soviet writers portrayed the turbulent transition to socialist society.In the first essay Lukacs compares the novella One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich to short pieces by "bourgeois" writers Conrad and Hemingway and explains the nature of Solzhenitsyn's criticism of the Stalinist period (...)
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  25.  12
    Zu Lucian’s ‘Fischer’.Ernst Graf - 1891 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 50 (1-4):608-608.
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    The Rationality of Legal Discourse in Habermas's Discourse Theory.Eveline T. Feteris - 2003 - Informal Logic 23 (2):139-159.
    This paper argues that Habermas's conception of the rationality of moral and legal discussions has import for argumentation theorists interested in the rationality of public deliberations in politics and law. I begin with a survey of Haber mas's discourse theory and his criteria of rationality for moral and legal discourse. I then explain why, in his view, the forms of rational discourse in morality and law complement each other. My aim is to show how Habermas's account of this complementary relationship (...)
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  27.  12
    The Pleasures of Flattery and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion in Seneca's Natural Questions (4a Praef. ).Chiara Graf - 2023 - American Journal of Philology 144 (1):109-144.
    Abstract:In many of his works, Seneca puts a philosophical premium on the ability to see through the deceptive appearances of words and things, identifying the hidden truths that underlie these appearances. In this paper, I turn to a passage that casts doubt upon the efficacy of this interpretive method: Seneca's excursus on flattery in the preface to Book 4a of the Natural Questions. Seneca locates in flattery a pleasure that listeners cannot eradicate by exposing its insincerity. By undermining a hermeneutic (...)
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  28.  47
    “A Trespass against the Whole Species”: Universal Crime and Sovereign Founding in John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government.Sinja Graf - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (4):560-585.
    This essay theorizes how the enforcement of universal norms contributes to the solidification of sovereign rule. It does so by analyzing John Locke’s argument for the founding of the commonwealth as it emerges from his notion of universal crime in the Second Treatise of Government. Previous studies of punishment in the state of nature have not accounted for Locke’s notion of universal crime which pivots on the role of mankind as the subject of natural law. I argue that the dilemmas (...)
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  29. A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf - 2015 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Child poverty is one of the biggest challenges of today, harming millions of children. In this book, it is investigated from a philosophical social justice perspective, primarily in the context of modern welfare states. Based on both normative theory (particularly the capability approach) and empirical evidence, the authors identify the injustices of child poverty, showing how it negatively affects the well-being of children as well as their whole life course. But child poverty is not 'given by nature'. It is avoidable (...)
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  30.  9
    A Cross-National Validation of the Shortened Version of the Adolescent Stress Questionnaire (ASQ-S) Among Adolescents From Switzerland, Germany, and Greece.Beyhan Ertanir, Christian Rietz, Ulrike Graf & Wassilis Kassis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The experience of stress is receiving increasing attention in the context of adolescent mental health, which is why a valid and reliable stress assessment instrument is of great importance. For this purpose, an English-language adolescent stress questionnaire was developed, which assesses the subjective stress experience of adolescents in different areas of life. However, the latest long version of the questionnaire with 56 items was found to be too extensive, so a more economical short version ASQ-S with 27 items was developed. (...)
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  31.  45
    Adam Smith reconsidered: history, liberty, and the foundations of modern politics Adam Smith reconsidered: history, liberty, and the foundations of modern politics, by Paul Sagar. New Jersey/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2022, 248 pp., $35.00(hardcover), ISBN 9780691210834. [REVIEW]Eveline Campos Hauck - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (2):509-511.
    In 2023 we celebrate the tricentenary of Adam Smith’s birth with the publication of an amazing amount of critical work, even though the story of Smith’s reading and reception is rather uneven. From...
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  32.  14
    Redemption Restored: The Star in the Context of Modernity.Eveline Goodman-Thau - 2020 - Naharaim 14 (1):133-147.
    In retrospect of a century, the philosophical and theological concepts of Franz Rosenzweig’s New Thinking, as developed in the Star of Redemption, are in many aspects a milestone in modernity, reflecting the crisis of the modern Jew and Judaism both historically and politically. The notion of redemption serves here in fact as a paradigm for modernity itself, where the individual attempts to position himself in the tension between religion and secularism, tradition and modernity. This contribution analyses Rosenzweig’s “Jewish journey of (...)
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  33.  35
    Relative Negation als Gleichnis der absoluten? Eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen Karl und Heinrich Barth.Christian Graf - 2008 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 50 (2):131-138.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDer Einfluss Heinrich Barths auf die diastatische Auffassung der Gott-Mensch-Beziehung in der »dialektischen Theologie« seines Bruders Karl scheint bedeutend gewesen zu sein. Der Autor des vorliegenden Beitrags vertritt jedoch die Ansicht, dass sowohl Karl Barth wie auch eine gängige Einschätzung des Sachverhalts im Blick auf Heinrich Barths Position Opfer eines Missverständnisses geworden sind, demgegenüber diese Position in ihrem dauerhaft haltbaren Sinn zu rekonstruieren und zu rehabilitieren ist. Die für Heinrich Barths philosophisches Werk insgesamt in der Tat kennzeichnende Akzentuierung der Transzendenz (...)
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    From “Informed” to “Engaged” Consent: Risks and Obligations in Consent for Participation in a Health Data Repository.Elizabeth Bromley, Alexandra Mendoza-Graf, Sandra Berry, Camille Nebeker & Dmitry Khodyakov - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):172-182.
    The development and use of large and dynamic health data repositories designed to support research pose challenges to traditional informed consent models. We used semi-structured interviewing to elicit diverse research stakeholders' views of a model of consent appropriate to participation in initiatives that entail collection, long-term storage, and undetermined future research use of multiple types of health data. We demonstrate that, when considering health data repositories, research stakeholders replace a concept of consent as informed with one in which consent is (...)
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  35.  20
    Selbstbehauptung des Geistes. Richard Kroner und Paul Tillich – die Korrespondenz.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf & Alf Christophersen - 2011 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 18 (2):281-339.
    This edition makes available the correspondence between Paul Tillich and his friend, the philosopher Richard Kroner, who were colleagues at the Technische Universität Dresden from the winter semester of 1925/26. They were to meet again in New York after Tillich's emigration to the United States in 1933, and Kroner's six years later. In 1941 Tillich was able to secure Kroner a visiting lecturer position at Union Theological Seminary. The exchange of letters, which also includes contributions from their wives Hannah Tillich (...)
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  36. Social Policy and Justice for Children.Gunter Graf & Gottfried Schweiger - 2016 - In Johannes Drerup, Gunter Graf, Christoph Schickhardt & Gottfried Schweiger, Justice, education and the politics of childhood: challenges and perspectives. Cham: Springer. pp. 101-114.
    Empirical evidence clearly shows that child poverty is a growing concern in the industrialized world and that the well-being of children is deeply affected by growing up in poverty in at least two ways. On the one hand, a low socioeconomic status jeopardizes the access to goods and services that are necessary for the current well-being of children. On the other hand, growing up in poverty also, in various ways, negatively affects the well-being in later life. On the basis of (...)
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  37.  48
    Ethics and the dynamic vulnerability of children.Gottfried Schweiger & Gunter Graf - 2017 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 12 (2-3):243-261.
    GOTTFRIED SCHWEIGER,GUNTER GRAF | : In this paper, we want to examine the particular vulnerability of children from an ethical perspective. We want to defend three claims: Firstly, we will argue that children’s vulnerability is best understood as a dynamic quality, meaning that as children progress through childhood, their vulnerability also undergoes particular changes. To capture this, we want to discriminate among physical, mental, social, and symbolic vulnerability, which vary according to certain features, such as age, maturity, gender, and (...)
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    Editor's Introduction.Hans-Wolff Graf - 1995 - World Futures 43 (1):1-6.
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    Notes on the Text of varro's De Lingva Latina.Marcus Deufert, Vincent Graf, Silvia Ottaviano & Kevin Protze - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):682-692.
    This article discusses the text of seven passages in the etymological books 5–7 of Varro's De lingua Latina, and proposes new conjectures for all of them. The discussions are of direct relevance to the interpretation of fragments and testimonies of lost Latin authors quoted by Varro: the scenic poets Naevius, Pacuvius, Caecilius Statius, Juventius and Atilius, and the grammarian Aurelius Opillus. The starting point for the discussions is the new Oxford edition of Varro's De lingua Latina by Wolfgang de Melo.
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    Climate, Fascism, and Ibex: Experiments in Using Population Dynamics Modeling as a Historiographical Tool.Wilko Graf von Hardenberg - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (3):463-483.
    In the interwar years the Gran Paradiso ibex population followed two subsequent, contrasting trends: a steady rise once the national park was established in 1922, followed by a precipitous fall after the Fascist regime took direct control of conservation in 1934, which almost led to the colony’s extinction. This paper addresses the issue of how models taken from population ecology may inform historical narratives. The data for the interwar years were analyzed using a statistical model based on climate and population (...)
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    Pushing Boundaries: The European Universities Initiative as a Case of Transnational Institution Building.Marcelo Marques & Lukas Graf - 2024 - Minerva 62 (1):93-112.
    The European Universities Initiative (EUI), created by the European Commission in 2017, is a recent novel phenomenon within the European Union policy toolkit that explicitly targets the development of transnational cooperation in higher education (HE). To date, the EUI counts 44 European university alliances, involving around 340 HE institutions. In this paper, we argue that the EUI can be seen as a case of a transnational institution building process representing a potentially significant structural reform for European higher education. Anchored in (...)
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  42. The No Defeater Clause: Evidentialism, Responsibilism, and Higher-Order Evidence.Simon Graf - 2025 - Episteme:1-25.
    Rational or epistemically justified beliefs are often said to be defeasible. That is, beliefs that have some otherwise justification conferring property can lose their epistemic status because they are defeated by some evidence possessed by the believer or due to some external facts about the believer’s epistemic environment. Accordingly, many have argued that we need to add a so-called no defeater clause to any theory of epistemic justification. In this paper, I will survey various possible evidentialist as well as responsibilitst (...)
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    La actualidad de los “Elementos del antisemitismo” de Adorno y Horkheimer.Stephanie Graf - 2017 - Signos Filosóficos 19 (38):118-149.
    Resumen: Este artículo presenta la visión epistémica alternativa expuesta por Adorno y Horkheimer en los “Elementos del antisemitismo”, contenidos en la Dialéctica de la Ilustración, visión que sostiene un acercamiento ensayístico a su objeto de estudio a manera de montaje. El texto está compuesto por siete tesis, interrelacionadas de manera no-determinante, formando una constelación conceptual alrededor del tema. A partir de esta estrategia, los autores se oponen a la forma hegemónica de producción de conocimiento que conciben como sistematizante y totalizante. (...)
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    Theodor Heuss „Zu Ernst Troeltschs Gedächtnis“. Eine Gedenkrede im „Demokratischen Klub Berlin“.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (1):106-140.
    On September 12, 1949, the liberal politician Theodor Heuss, party leader of the „Freie Demokratische Partei“ (FDP), was elected by the Bundesversammlung (Federal Convention) as the first Bundespräsident, i. e. head of state, of the newly founded Bundesrepublik Deutschland. As a young man Heuss had been a close friend and political ally of Friedrich Naumann, the protestant pastor and left wing liberal politician, supported by Ernst Troeltsch. Heuss then working as a political journalist for liberal newspapers and Naumann’s weekly journal (...)
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  45. On Russell's paradox.F. Graf Hoensbroech - 1939 - Mind 48 (191):355-358.
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    Bonhoeffer-Studien. Beiträge zur Theologie und Wirkungsgeschichte Dietrich Bonhoeffers. Im Auftrage des Bonhoeffer-Komitees beim Bund der Evangelischen Kirchen in der DDR hg. von Albrecht Schönherrund Wolf Krötke. Lizenzausgabe der Evangelischen Verlagsanstalt GmbH Berlin. München: Chr. Kaiser Verlag 1985. 212 S. 30,- DM. [REVIEW]Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 1988 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 32 (1):311-312.
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    Effects of Nicotine Gum Administration on Vision (ENIGMA-Vis): Study Protocol of a Double-Blind, Randomized, and Controlled Clinical Trial.Thiago P. Fernandes, Jeffery K. Hovis, Natalia Almeida, Jandirlly J. S. Souto, Thiago Augusto Bonifacio, Stephanye Rodrigues, Gabriella Medeiros Silva, Michael Oliveira Andrade, Jessica Bruna Silva, Giulliana H. Gomes, Milena Edite Oliveira, Eveline Holanda Lima, Maria Eduarda Gomes, Marcos V. A. Junior, Mariana Lopes Martins & Natanael A. Santos - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Introduction—Up, down, round and round: Verticalities in the history of science.Wilko Graf von Hardenberg & Martin Mahony - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (4):595-611.
    History of science's spatial turn has focused on the horizontal dimension, leaving the role of the vertical mostly unexplored as both a condition and object of scientific knowledge production. This special issue seeks to contribute to a burgeoning discussion on the role of verticality in modern sciences, building upon a wider interdisciplinary debate about the importance of the vertical and the volumetric in the making of modern lifeworlds. In this essay and in the contributions that follow, verticality appears as a (...)
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  49. Prospective memory: A new focus for research.Peter Graf & Bob Uttl - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (4):437-450.
    Prospective memory is required for many aspects of everyday cognition, its breakdown may be as debilitating as impairments in retrospective memory, and yet, the former has received relatively little attention by memory researchers. This article outlines a strategy for changing the fortunes of prospective memory, for guiding new research to shore up the claim that prospective memory is a distinct aspect of cognition, and to obtain evidence for clear performance dissociations between prospective memory and other memory functions. We begin by (...)
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    Justice, education and the politics of childhood: challenges and perspectives.Johannes Drerup, Gunter Graf, Christoph Schickhardt & Gottfried Schweiger (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume contributes to the ongoing interdisciplinary controversies about the moral, legal and political status of children and childhood. It comprises essays by scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds on diverse theoretical problems and public policy controversies that bear upon different facets of the life of children in contemporary liberal democracies. The book is divided into three major parts that are each organized around a common general theme. The first part (“Children and Childhood: Autonomy, Well-Being and Paternalism”) focusses on key concepts (...)
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